The public is invited to join the Francis Malcolm Science Center, located at 776 Houlton Rd. in Easton, for a one-hour Moonlight Snowshoe hike through the surrounding woods on Friday, March 10, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.
Snowshoes will be available at no charge with paid admission. Hot chocolate will be served following the hike. Bring a flashlight or headlamp if available.
Reservations are required, and there is a maximum of 50 atendees. Call (207) 488-5451, or e-mail Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for children and $20 for a family.
Easton PTO
The Easton PTO is collecting gently used shoes for a fundraiser. It is the perfect opportunity to clean out your closet and help a good cause. You can drop your shoes off at Odd Fellows Hall, Easton Elementary School, or Easton Junior/Senior High School.
Community pageant
The ECFP Committee is planning the 2017 Pageant. This is for anyone in grades Kindergarten through grade 12. If you are interested in being involved please contact Taylor Burtt at 551-9492, Abby Stewart at 768-0747 or Kim Embelton at 488-4962.

SHARING THE FLOOR — The Varsity Club recently volunteered their time to work with some of Easton’s younger athletes. Taking part in the clinic were, from left, front, Jack McQuade, Raiden Cochran, Maggie McQuade, Amelia Bate, Chase Flewelling and Caitlyn MacPherson. Back, Abbie Currier, Delia Bonner, Lydia Ferris, Elise Allen, Breann Clayton, Paige Flewelling, Sara Gilman and Cassie Lovely. (Contributed photo)
School Registration
The Easton School Department is now accepting registration for children entering Kindergarten or pre-K in the fall of 2017. All children residing within the Easton school district who are 5 years old on or before October 15, 2017, are eligible for enrollment in Kindergarten; children who are 4 years old on or before October 15, 2017, are eligible for pre-K.
Please call the Easton Elementary School at 488-7700 as soon as possible to register your child for either of the above classes. The classroom teacher will notify parents/guardians when an informational meeting for parents is scheduled.
The following documents are required by the state of Maine: proof of immunizations, birth certificate (hospital copies are not acceptable), and proof of residency (rental agreement, utility bill, etc). These documents must be presented prior to the child beginning school.
Community library
The community library will resume its regular schedule. All after-school activities will now be held at the elementary school.
On Saturdays, the community library will be held at the Easton High School Library and will feature a story time from 10 to 10:30 a.m., geared for toddlers/pre-K to grade 3; children under 5 need to be accompanied by an adult. The story time will include a picture book with an activity/color page to follow.
More program activities may also be offered for other age groups. Look for Community Story Time notices and sign up forms. Please return completed notices to main office or sign up in the office.
The library will be open to the community for patrons to utilize library services, book loans, use of periodicals and reference materials, Internet and computer access. Patrons may bring their own devices to access the Internet and will be asked to follow existing library rules/guidelines.

IT’S A WRAP — Little Bears Grades 1 and 2 Basketball recently wrapped up their season. Showing off their certificates are, from left, front, Mckenna Beaulier, Aiden Tibbetts, Mason Pelletier, Sara Cassidy, Brayson Tompkins and Peyton Vailancourt. Middle, Chase Mitchell, Jared Coty, Adam Tibbetts, Britani Tompkins, Carson MacPherson and Madisan Patterson. Back, Josiah Ellis, Hayden Keep, Olivia Keep, Natalie MacFarline, Mea Lagasse, Jamie McKay, Brenna Carlow and Judah Sylvain. (Contributed photo)
This week’s dates include Wednesday, March 1, at the elementary school and Saturday, March 4, at the high school.
Happy Days Update
The Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club met for a potluck lunch on Feb. 9 with members Annette Copeland, Betty Brown, Jean Ann Ames, Julia Allen, Keith Richardson, Esther Richardson, John Trask, Nina Trask Carrie Nason and Liana DeMerchant attending.
The next meeting will be a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 9, in the recreation room at the Manor.
All Easton seniors are invited to join and bring a friend.
Hillary Hallett is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by sending an e-mail to: or calling 551-7737.