Due to elections at the municipal building, our mid-March meeting was held at the meeting room of Woodland Heights. We had a variety of dishes for our potluck, as usual, and a decadent dessert.
After luncheon, president Rich Camire opened our business meeting with the Lord’s Prayer and flag salute, followed by the secretary and treasurer reports. Members were urged to come up with ideas for our spring outing in May. Several made suggestions to the Sunshine Committee to send cards to Marilyn Noyes and Ursula Levesque.
After adjournment, we played several games of Bingo with Paige Coville the winner of the day.
Members present were, Keith and Esther Harvey, Louise Butcher, Rich Camire, Mary Pipes, Edith Dwyer, Darrell and Sherry Hartin, Paige Coville, Jeanne Clements, Terry Dwyer and guest Loretta Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 6, at the municipal building with guest speaker Lisa Moulton of the Aroostook Agency on Aging, and we will play the bag game. Potluck begins at 11:30 am.