TOPS meeting from March 31, 2017

8 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton chapter of TOPS and KOPS met Friday, March 31, at the Aldergate Building on Kelleran Street.

There were 10 TOPS and four KOPS members present. We were glad to see such a big group there, but we always welcome more. April is here so maybe the weather will bring more people to our support group.

The loser of the week was Marsha Reed and the runner-up was “CJ”. Congratulations to them. Diane Folsom won the skinny dish and Betty Wyman won the 50/50.

Pam Richardson presented the program about the workshop held in Van Buren last Saturday. Four of our group attended, and two, Jean Merritt and Betty Wyman, received charms for staying in KOPS. Good job, both of you.

Charlotte Marley updated us on our TOPS challenge, “Million Pound Weight Loss,” which includes all TOPS chapters losing 10 pounds each in the year 2017. Houlton chapter 0233 is doing our part.

Barbara Whited gave out charms to several members for weight loss and for remaining as KOPS members. What a great incentive.

I will keep you up to date on our walking for health plans; when and how often is not decided yet.

We always welcome new members. Contact me, Pam Richardson, for more information or for directions to meetings. We meet every Friday morning at 7:45 for weigh in and 9 for the meeting, with much support and encouragement for all.