With most organizations, you get back what you put in. But in the case of the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce, you are likely to gain a lot more than you give.
In big cities and small towns, the Chamber of Commerce supports the residents, businesses and nonprofit organizations of the community while also assisting visitors. Every day the Chamber receives calls from local residents looking for someone to provide a service. Chamber staff refer them to a member who can fill the need. Sometimes there are no members who provide a needed service, so we refer the resident to a business outside the area, which may require travel and delay in service.
Many businesses have told me over the years that they don’t need to join the Chamber or advertise because everyone knows what they do. After each of these incidents, I have asked a member of our board of directors if they know what services are available from that particular business. Usually they know something, but never have they responded with the full list of services offered. This means businesses are not being utilized for all their services and people are wasting time, energy and money shopping for something that might be right in front of them.
Nearly every day I learn something about a Chamber member. You may not know all that your Chamber does for you, either. I think it’s safe to say that each Chamber of Commerce is involved in tourism promotion. Chambers of Commerce are members of large state, national and international groups. Like all families, we may not all act or look the same or support the same legislative activity, but we do all support our members and our communities.
The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce supports growth and development primarily in the 20-plus communities we represent. We work with all Chambers in Aroostook County to support regional tourism.
We host a website that attracts thousands of visitors annually. People can find a calendar of events, member businesses and organizations, listing of available rental property, job postings and links to a number of area sources of information. As we update our website in the next few months, the information will be updated and made more readily available.
Our job is supporting our members. We have time during the workday to attend meetings, participate in seminars and ask questions that help us understand the impact of regulations that may affect your business or your lifestyle.
We don’t have all the answers but we have a network of people to ask and work with. As a member of the State of Maine Chamber of Commerce we can carry the feelings of people from our region to the southern part of the state and beyond. We are a partner in what you do.
Theresa Fowler has served as executive director of the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce since 2008. She and her husband Rick live in Mapleton. She can be reached at 764-6561 or via email at tfowler@centralaroostookchamber.com.