During the transition to ending the Pay As You Throw program, which concluded last week, there have been some questions from the public regarding curbside recycling. Curbside recycling has been an integral part of our recycling program that started in 1990 and will continue into the future.
If you have contracted with Gil’s Sanitation or Star City Sanitation to collect your trash at curbside, they will also collect your blue bags of recyclables at the same time. Blue bags will be kept separate from your trash and transported to the Recycling Center for processing. There is no extra fee for the waste hauler to perform this service for you.
You must use a blue bag for recycling at curbside. It can be any blue bag from any manufacturer. Blue bags are available for purchase at Bradley’s C-Store, Graves’ Shop ‘n Save (service desk), Save-A-Lot (check out register), Steaks N’ Stuff (check-out register), and Wal-Mart. Cardboard can be recycled at curbside by flattening it and placing it under your blue bag.
Another option for recycling is to take your recyclables to the Recycling Center at 655 Missile Street. No bag is required and there is no fee. You can bring your recyclables in whatever container works best for you. Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The third option for recycling is available at the landfill. Recyclables must be in a plastic bag to keep the paper dry while the container is waiting for transport to the Recycling Center. The plastic bag does not have to be a blue bag. There is no fee for your recyclables at the landfill.
If you have any questions about recycling or other solid waste issues, you may call Public Services at 760-2712 or visit the website at www.presqueislemaine.gov/faqs or www.presqueislemaine.gov/landfill-permit-rules-fee-schedule.
Dana H. Fowler, P.E., is public services director for the city of Presque Isle. He can be reached at 760-2707 or via email at dfowler@presqueisleme.us.