To the editor:
I applaud the efforts and intentions of all the good people in the “Economic Avengers” story in the April 5, 2017 Star-Herald. I have been following politics for over 60 years now. My father Peewee Cyr got me started.
In my mind things in the County will only get worse until a majority of the voters in the County change. LePage won the governor’s office by winning The County with 44 percent of the vote in 2010 and won The County again in 2014 with 48 percent of the vote. Poliquin was elected to the House with 44 percent of the vote in 2014, and was reelected with 55 percent of the vote in 2016. Trump won The County with 56 percent of the vote. Collins has won The County forever. In her last run she even won The Valley, unheard of until just recently.
Lepage, Poliquin and Trump were all beneficiaries of lots of untraceable dark money spent to brainwash the electorate into voting for these losers who then vote to exacerbate the conditions that the “Economic Avengers” have just shed light upon. Dark money is raised by a few super billionaires led by the Koch Brothers and spent by foundations and PACs, 85 percent of which is untraceable. I’ll bet that most folks who read this don’t know what dark money is or who the Koch Brothers are.
We are not talking a few billion dollars here, we are talking hundreds of billions. In each election! And it is all legal thanks to the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, a decision bought with the same money.
Want to know why most of the country and The County is red and poor? Look in the mirror folks. It is high time for people to start researching the candidates and their platforms and vote based on facts and not ideology and attack ads.
Paul A. Cyr