Houlton Council of Catholic Women meet

Alta Reardon, Special to The County
8 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met on Monday, May 1, at 6 p.m. in the Parish Center for their monthly meeting. There were 15 members and moderator, Father Dave, present. After we recited our opening prayers, we enjoyed a lunch of pizza and sweets.

Sue Hardy called the meeting to order. Judy O’Mara read the minutes from the April meeting.  Treasurer Mary Grant gave a report. Alta Reardon, corresponding secretary, read a thank you note from the family of Louise Guillette and a donation in memory of Norma Hill.

Baby shower gifts that had been collected during the month of April for the Pregnancy Care Center were displayed. Reardon will deliver these gifts to the Center. The June banquet was discussed. It will be held at 5:30 p.m. on June 5 in the Parish Center. Reggie Dow will cater this event.

Officers were elected. Reardon, chairperson of the election committee, announced the new officers for 2017-2018. Hardy will be president, Janet Barker is vice-president, Kathy Klein and Judy O’’Mara are co-secretaries and Jane Mitchell will be treasurer. Hardy appointed Jane Stile as historian and Reardon as corresponding secretary.

The Rummage Sale was mentioned as we will need to start planning during the summer. The council voted to donate money to Faith Formation to help purchase CD’s for those who have been baptized in the last year. These CD’s will be presented at the Mother’s Day breakfast.

President Sue Hardy gave a report from the April Parish Council meeting. Members noted birthdays and anniversaries. Ethel Mersereau won the door prize. Prayer requests were gathered and a decade of the Rosary was led by Sue Hardy. Our next meeting will be June 5, 2017.  It will be our annual banquet with installation of officers.