HOULTON, Maine — Northern Maine can experience long harsh winters, often seeing snow and cold temperatures as late as mid-May. Recognizing this, the Houlton Franciscan Group became concerned with the health and welfare of people who lose their electricity in mid-April due to delinquent bills.
Many people obtain assistance from state and federally funded programs to help avoid shut-off of their electricity; but what about those who do not qualify for such assistance? With this thought in mind, one of the members of the Franciscan group suggested a collection from St. Mary’s, and also suggested contacting other local churches who are part of the Southern Aroostook Ministerial Association (SAMA) to see if they would like to help. The thought was the more that was collected, the more people could be assisted. And thus, the project was born.
Blue cans were placed at participating worship sites, and a few area businesses, throughout the winter. This spring the Franciscan group was able to present a donation to the Houlton Water Company to alleviate some of the burden for families experiencing the possibility of losing their electricity.
The Houlton Franciscan Group is a small group of individuals in the Catholic Church who are discerning a vocation in the Secular Franciscan Order. This Order was founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1221 and has over 12,000 members today in the United States alone.
When most people think of St. Francis of Assisi, they think of animals or birds. However, St. Francis was much more than that. He was a soldier and POW, and it was those experiences that led him to a life of penance and conversion. He came from a wealthy family but chose to live a life of poverty among the lepers of his time, people society shunned. He also traveled to the Mideast to speak with the Sultan, attempting to bring peace during the Crusades, a task most would not venture.
Those who enter the Secular Franciscan Order embrace St. Francis’ way of living the Gospel and apply it to all aspects of their life in the secular world. The rule and life of the Secular Franciscan is to observe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of St. Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. Secular Franciscans embrace a spirituality that includes a prayerful life (both individually and in communion with others), a simple lifestyle, humility, an awe of creation, being penitential and working for social justice and peace.
A Profession in the Secular Franciscan Order is a lifetime commitment to live according to the Rule of Life written originally by St. Francis of Assisi in 1221 and revised only three times in the past 800 years.
Members of the Order are required to meet regularly in communities called fraternities which support one another through prayer, ongoing formation and dialogue as they strive to live the Rule and to help build the Kingdom of God alongside brothers and sisters of all faiths.
The group expressed its thanks to everyone in the community who helped make the Blue Can Electric Project a success.