HES unveils new shirt designs

Karen Donato, contributing writer, Special to The County
8 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Members of the Houlton Elementary Parent Teacher Organization had students and parents vote on a new Houlton Elementary School t-shirt design.

Since the vote was so close the group decided to order two of the three designs offered. One choice was the Shires penguin and the other has several stick figure children across the front. Blaine Jacket, owner of JEI Sports in Houlton made the shirts in the school colors of black and white.

The remaining inventory will be sold at the end of year Spring Fling scheduled for Friday, June 2 at the elementary school or by contacting Jennie Cowperthwaite; jennie.cowperthwaite@rsu29.org. The cost of the shirt is $10 and are available in youth or adult sizes. The shirts can also be personalized for an extra $6 at JEI Sports.