Fundraisers pushing to reach $16,000 goal for gold leaf paint atop Houlton clock tower

8 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — A plan to paint the historic clock tower cupola located atop the Houlton District Courthouse with 24 karat gold leaf is moving forward.

The Aroostook County Commissioners recently gave the go-ahead for a number of painting projects for the cupola and clock tower. According to County Administrator Doug Beaulieu, that work will be done sometime this summer, but exactly what type of paint is used could be altered.

If a private effort to raise $16,000 for the gold leaf paint doesn’t reach its goal by June 30, we will paint the dome with gold paint,” Beaulieu said Friday.

Commissioners awarded the painting bids to Mid-Maine Restoration, Inc. based out of Boothbay during a May 17 meeting in Fort Kent. The restoration firm was awarded three bids for painting projects at the courthouse — $35,615 for general painting, $15,985 for the cupola, and $6,745 for roof work.

On Monday, May 22, Richard Rhoda, organizer of the gold leaf project, asked members of the Houlton Town Council to support the project with a financial contribution.

We have raised about three-quarters of our goal and have four weeks to meet our goal,” Rhoda said. “We have been most fortunate that Rockabema Lodge of Odd Fellows in Houlton has stepped up to be a major donor to get us underway. We also have had individual contributions ranging from $10 to $1,000.”

The group needs to raise the entire $16,000 for the gold leaf paint. Rockabema Lodge of Odd Fellows donated $5,000 to jump start the fundraising.

Rhoda said that when the clock was added to the bell tower in the 1890s, it was done by private funds from individuals in Houlton with an eye to the future. It has been a source of town pride for about 125 years.

“This will be a one-time expense,” Rhoda said. “The gold leaf is extremely cost efficient, lasting between 30-40 years. Paint loses its luster in five years or so and needs to be repainted frequently.”

Rhoda added he felt it was the responsibility of the citizens of Houlton to make this project happen and noted that the project could serve as a tourist attraction. He also stated he felt it would be a nice gesture for the town to make some official donation to the project.

“We will have the only county courthouse in the state with such a cupola,” he said. “It will be pictured in many magazines and television shots of Maine. It will bring tourists into downtown Houlton along with the Gateway Bridge and the George Washington Monument. When tourists leave, we want them to remember Houlton as that unexpected, unequaled and unforgettable town in northern Maine.”

The councilors took his request under advisement, but did not indicate if they would make any type of donation to the project.

Donations can be made by sending checks payable to Vital Pathways, P.O. Box 743, Houlton, Maine 04730 or call Rhoda at 521-7298.