100 Years Ago – May 30, 1917
New building — Workmen began Wednesday to prepare for the building of the F. E. Hall Company’s office building on Bangor Street.
Chosen principal — Thomas P. Packard has been re-elected principal of the Houlton High School for another year. This meets with popular public approval.
75 Years Ago – May 28, 1942
50th anniversary — The 50th Anniversary of the Maine Federation of Women’s Clubs will be observed June 2, 3, and 4. In Portland, birthplace of the Federation. Mrs. Ralph W. Emerson of Island Falls, president of the Maine Federation, will preside. Mrs. Emerson is the third Aroostook woman to the president of the Federation, two of these presiding over the destinies of the organization during the trying days of war — Mrs. Myrtle L. T. White during the first World War and now Mrs. Emerson in our present crisis.
Scholarship — Miss Arlene Taylor, a senior at Houlton High School in the College Preparatory Course, received a $250 scholarship recently from Kents Hill Seminary, mear Winthrop. Miss Taylor has been an honor student the past four years.
50 Years Ago – May 31 , 1967
Concert — An enthusiastic audience of approximately 500 attended the concert of the Houlton Community Chorus last Wednesday at the Houlton High School auditorium. The program, under the direction of Katherine Trickey, was most varied and consequently a delight to all age groups.
Square dance — For the first time in the history of the Houlton Promenaders Square Dance Club, they will be holding an area-wide square dance jamboree here this Saturday night at the Recreation Center. People are expected from all over the state and many parts of Canada. Guest callers will be Ray and Ann Little, Charles Quan and the local club caller, Cliff Long of Mars Hill.
25 Years Ago – May 27, 1992
Birthday — Friends met recently at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Burton Hoyt to celebrate the birthday of their friend, Avis Lewin. A corsage was presented to Mrs. Lewin from Mrs. Genevieve Carpenter of Scarborough, formerly of Houlton. Mr. Lewin was presented with a boutonniere. Mrs. Margaret Hoyt, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Maxine Giverson, served a turkey dinner. A decorated cake was presented to Avis from her friend, Mrs. Cora Hogan.
Winner — Derek Mills is congratulated by Mike Jenkins, exalted ruler of the Houlton Lodge of Elks B.P.O.E. 835. Mills, a sixth grader at Wellington School in Monticello, was the $100 recipient of the ‘American Flag-What it means to me’ contest held by the Elks Club.