Houlton area From Our Files (week of June 5, 2017)

8 years ago

100 Years Ago – June 6, 1917

    New truck James Peabody has recently received a large automobile truck for his gasoline tank to be used in local and county delivery. It is the first of its kind in Aroostook. 

    Renovations Extensive alterations have recently been made on the interior of C. W. Starkey’s store. New hardwood floors have been laid, the woodwork given a coat of paint and other changes made in keeping with Mr. Starkey’s progressiveness.

75 Years Ago – June 4, 1942

    Promotion Gerald R. Brewer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brewer of Bridgewater, has been promoted to the rank of Corporal in the U. S. Army at Fort Dix, N. J.. Corp. Brewer enlisted Jan. 15, 1942, and received his promotion May 6.

    Scholarship Another Houlton High School senior this week received a scholarship to an institution of higher learning, Miss Shirley Anne Titcomb, who graduates Friday, has been awarded one of six New England Scholarships at Boston University amounting to $340. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Titcomb.

50 Years Ago – June 7, 1967

    Fellowship Robert E. McCluskey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCluskey, has been awarded a fellowship for study this summer in Brilon, Westphalia, Germany. The course, which lasts eight weeks, is sponsored by the German Center of Boston in conjunction with the Northeast Society of Teachers of German.

    Mermorial tree Three flowering crab trees have been planted at Monument Park by the Houlton Garden Club as part of the Federation’s nation-wide Operation Pink Cloud. One of the trees has been planted in honor of Mrs. Frank Clark, the founder of the Houlton Garden Club. The other two memorial trees have been given by club members

25 Years Ago – June 3, 1992

   Winners Houlton residents Kathleen Gooding and Denise Johnson, and Ryan Callnan of Hodgdon recently became the owners of $100 savings bonds. The three won the bonds when their names were drawn at a recycling truck set up in McDonald’s parking lot during Houlton’s recycling day on April 25.Houlton Recycling Committee Chairman, Betty Childers, Gooding, Callnan, Johnson, and Southern Aroostook Solid Waste Disposal District Executive Director Dave Wittner, were all on hand.

   Completes pledge — Paul Forest, vice president of the Houlton Regional Health Services Foundation, presented Linda Wittine with a Boy and the Boot replica during the foundation’s annual recognition luncheon.