Region Two is vital

8 years ago

The Region Two School of Applied Technology, formerly known as SAVE, has made a tremendous impact on the local and surrounding communities.

It helps students who may not have the ability to thrive in a regular setting classroom because they need to work with their hands, understand the concept of a problem or task. Those who have formerly been students of Region Two always come out of the program not only with an idea of what they would like to do in their lives, they sometimes have the ability to start working in that job immediately because of the cumulative credentials they have earned through their program.

The credentials and educational opportunities earned at Region Two are like no other. In just two years of being a student at Region Two, I have had the opportunity to earn certifications such as: CECA (Certified Early Childhood Assistant), OSHA-10, Everfi, ServSafe, Mandated Reporter Training, People First Language, CPR and First Aid, and Fire Extinguisher Training. This list of certifications only includes those offered in one of the many programs offered at the center. Not only are certifications offered, but college credit is an option too. The school offers articulation agreements as well as transferable college credits.

Region Two not only offers a unique education, it offers support and lasting friendships. Students from all different schools have the ability to make new friends who have the same interests as them. These friendships help bring not only students together, but communities as well. The support systems at Region Two are outstanding. Not only are the teachers willing to do what is necessary to help you obtain what you, as a student, want in life, the director, Mr. Keaton, will go to great lengths as well to help direct you to the path needed.

Not only is Region Two a school, it is a home to many, and all current and past students take pride in being from a school as amazing as this one.

Olivia White
