Outdoor Calendar (week of June 5, 2017)

8 years ago

Friday, June 9

PRESQUE ISLE: PI Historical Society Guided Historic Fairmount Cemetery Tour. Meet at 5:30 p.m. at Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce, 3 Houlton Road, for a 1-1/2 hour guided walking tour. Origins, Victorian influences and 30 local historic figures will be discussed. Many hills. The cost is $5 and reservations are required. Contact Kimberly Smith at 762-1151 or visit www.pihistory.org for more information. 

Saturday, June 10

PRESQUE ISLE: Central Aroostook Humane Society Paws For The Cause Walk. Two-mile walk to benefit the animals. All dogs, big or small, are welcome. Registration at 9:30 a.m. at the humane society at 26 Cross St. Walk start is 10 a.m. rain or shine. The cost is $5 for those without pledges. Includes refreshments and door prizes. A rabies clinic is at 11 a.m. with a $10 fee. Call 764-3441 for more information.

Ongoing programs

PRESQUE ISLE: County Strides Running Group. Sundays; 10 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Visit County Strides at www.facebook.com/groups/447181508818122 FMI

CARIBOU: Tuesday Track Workouts. Tuesdays; 5:15 p.m. at CHS. Join runners of all abilities to do predetermined intervals, your own workout, or just run with others and forget the workout. Average distance: 5-9 miles; can be adapted per individual. Contact PJ Gorneault pgorneault@rsu39.org FMI

EASTON: Francis Malcolm Science Center Walk-in Tours, Easton. Weekdays; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Experience our planetarium’s new, full-dome, digital projection system, featuring a 30-minute activity: 15 minutes in the star theater, 15 minutes to visit the facility at large. Cost: $5/visitor; reservations requested. Contact FMSC (207-488-5451) FMI

Looking for more info on outdoor, people-powered, or active lifestyle events? Please visit www.offugoaroostook.blogspot.com!