Mapleton Lions Club Leads Memorial Day Events

8 years ago

This year’s Memorial Day was a cold and windy day, but in spite of the weather the Mapleton Lions Club’s Memorial Day Parade stepped off right on time.  The club thanks all who participated in the parade and all who came out to view the parade.

Following the parade the annual Remembrance Day Ceremony, led by Lion Terry Sandusky, was held at the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Veterans Memorial in front of the Mapleton Elementary School.  

Lion Jacob Graham sang the “Star-Spangled Banner” as Boy Scouts from Mapleton Troop 170 raised the colors.  Wendell Hudson also sang “God Bless America” and led in prayer.  The featured speaker was new town manager Dave Dionne.  The Mapleton-Chapman-Castle Hill Fire Department placed wreaths by the monument stones in memory of those who gave their all for our country.  The program closed by the playing of “Taps” by Presque Isle Middle School trumpeter Hunter Stubbs.  

The Lions Club thanks all who helped make this special ceremony possible.

Seniors’ Food Sale

The Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Seniors wish to thank everyone who supported their food sale on Memorial Day.  Nearly every food item was sold to the large crowd attending the Mapleton Lions Club Memorial Day Parade.

The funds raised will be sent for famine relief in sub-Saharan Africa.  Your generous donations through the food sale made this effort possible.

The Seniors’ last meeting before summer break was held on Monday, June 4, at the Mapleton United Methodist Church. The group will resume meeting the first Monday in October.  

Fiddlehead Supper  

The Chapman RIdge Runners Snowmobile and ATV Club hosted its unique fiddlehead supper on Saturday, May 20, at the clubhouse at 94 Town Hall Rd.  A large number of folks turned out to enjoy deep-fried fiddleheads and a roast pork dinner with all the fixings.  

All proceeds from the dinner will be used to pay down the clubhouse mortgage.  The club’s board of directors thank all who volunteered to prepare and serve the supper, as well as all who came to enjoy the delicious food.

Club cancels breakfast

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile and ATV Club will not be hosting their annual Father’s Day Breakfast.  

The Club invites everyone to attend its next pancake breakfast to be held during the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest.  The breakfast will be Saturday morning, Aug. 26.  Be sure to attend the Balloon Fest and Chapman Ridge Runners’ Breakfast where you can meet the balloon pilots flying in the Fest.

DAZE seeks volunteers

The Mapleton Daze Committee needs volunteers to assure the festival continues into the future.  Please contact either Deana Easler at 227-6128 or Lynnelle Lavway at 227-5896.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at