Catholic Women group meets

8 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met on June 5 in the Parish Center for their annual banquet.  President Sue Hardy led in the traditional prayers, salute to the flag and hymn.  Our moderator, Father Dave, said the blessing before the meal. There were 20 in attendance and we enjoyed a delicious banquet, catered by Reggie Dow and his crew.

Following the meal, Sue Hardy conducted the business meeting.  She welcomed Deacon Al, Deacon Ron and his wife Wanda. Interim secretary, Ethel Mersereau read the secretary’s report from the May meeting. Treasurer Mary Grant gave the treasurer’s report. Corresponding secretary Alta Reardon read a thank you from the Pregnancy Care Center for the shower gifts and from Clare Desrosier for the donation to Faith Formation and a thank you and a gift from the family of Ethel Schools.

Janet Barker reported that our rummage sale will be held on October 5, 6 and 7. Some members will meet this summer to begin planning for this event.

Some members are planning to go to the quarterly meeting on July 22 in Waterville. The Houlton council received a first place certificate for the Patrons Fund and a first place certificate for the Seminarian Fund at the April quarterly meeting.

Lynette Dobbs stated that four people will be professing to the Franciscan order on Aug. 20.  There will be guests from several areas and there will be a reception following.  Please contact Lynette for details.

Vice President Jane Stile gave parish council news. She attended the May meeting in the absence of Sue Hardy. Hardy presented Father Dave with a card and gift from the council.  Father Dave will be relocating at the end of June.

Lynette Dobbs presided over the induction of new officers for 2017-2019. The new officers are Sue Hardy, president; Janet Barker, vice president; Jane Mitchell, treasurer; and Judy O’Mara and Kathy Klein, co-secretaries.

Birthdays and anniversaries were noted for June, July and August. Prayer requests were gathered and Sue Hardy led in a decade of the Rosary. Our next meeting will be a potluck on Tuesday, Sept. 5, because of the Labor Day holiday. All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.