UMFK awards degrees to 239 graduates

8 years ago

FORT KENT, Maine — The University of Maine at Fort Kent graduating seniors received their degrees at the 135th commencement exercises held at UMFK on May 13. University President John N. Short presided over the ceremony that conferred 212 baccalaureate degrees and 28 associate degrees.

Also at the commencement ceremony, recently retired Vice President of Administration John D. Murphy was honored with the University’s Distinguished Service Award for his many years of service to the campus community.

Astronaut Dr. George Nelson addressed the graduating class, providing words of wisdom and life lessons.

Julia DeStefano, senior class president, addressed her fellow graduates. DeStefano is from North Monmouth, Maine and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Baccalaureate degrees were awarded to students in Arts and Sciences (18); Behavioral Science (11); Biology (7); Business (17); Computer Applications (3); Cyber Security (1); Elementary Education (1); English (4); Environmental Studies (2); Nursing (139); Public Safety Administration (8); and French (1).

Associate degrees were awarded to students in Accounting (1); Applied Forest Management (9); Business Management (2); Computer Science (1); Conservation Law Enforcement (2):  Criminal Justice (11); General Studies (1); Information Security (1);

Total Number of Graduates: 239


St. John Valley

Allagash: Jodi Leigh Kelly, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Cross Lake: Lisa Marie Albert, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Eagle Lake: Michael Todd DeLena, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice; Shannon Marie Severe, Bachelor of Science in Business;  Jennifer Lynn Shellhamer, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Fort Kent: Attilio Aviles, Associate of Arts in Computer Science; Ty Andrew Beal, Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security; Bryan Steve Bosse, Associate of Science in Applied Forest Management; Samantha Ann Carapellucci, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science; Makayla Bronte-Rose Clough, Associate of Arts in Behavioral Science; Alexis Lea Desjardins, Bachelors of Science in Nursing; Samuel L. Enerva, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice; Heather A. Favreau, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Kristopher David Guimond, Associate of Arts in Conservation Law Enforcement; Cathy Mae Harvey, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science; Jessica Lynne Sirois, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education; Kareen Roben St. Vil, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Scott Michael Whitney, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Fort Kent Mills: Adam Robert Caron, Associate of Science in Applied Forest Management; Curtis Martin Ouellette, Associate of Arts in Business Management.

Frenchville: Jessica Ann Boynton, Bachelors of Arts in English; Natalie Nora Michaud, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Hamlin: Garik Michael Theriault, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Madawaska: Alan Dean Campbell, Bachelor of Science in Business; Samuel Michael Dechaine, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice; Kelley Nicole Dugal, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Lindsey J. Lavoie, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Alex Paul McNally, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration; Abigail Jean Pelletier, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science.

New Canada: Aurele David Bouley III, Bachelor of Science in Business; and Georgianna Lynne Witmer, Bachelor of Science in Biology.

St. David: Kimberly Lee Dionne, Associate of Arts in Business Management; Peggy Sue Noddin, Bachelor of Science in Business; Linda Marie Sirois, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences.

Wallagrass: Kaye Paula Lozier, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science.

Aroostook County

Caribou: Megan Lynn Doody, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science; Keith Carman Draper, Associate of Arts in Applied Forest Management; Monica Lee Hopkins, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Adam Michael Huston, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Alexa Jesse Massey, Bachelor of Arts in English; Scott Jason Michaud, Bachelor of Science in Business; Tyler Raymond, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

Easton: Tammi Marie Flint, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Christina Marie Salo, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Fort Fairfield: Lori Rae Bishop, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Hodgdon: Jillian Alyse Miller, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Houlton: Lucas Weslety Grant, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration; Cole Alwin McLaughlin, Bachelor of Science in Business; Leslie Keith Winslow, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Limestone: Kimberly Alizabeth O’Bar, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Mapleton: Heather Ann Sherman, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Mars Hill: Amy Rose Durland Faulkner, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Monticello: Elizabeth Marguerite Sewell, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

New Sweden: Adam Ryan Plourde, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

Patten: Lucas Earl Anderson, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

Presque Isle, Me Jessica Roberta Helen Lahey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Jonathan Robert Rochester, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Sherman: Cole Hunter Porter, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies.

Washburn: Heidi Lynn Farley, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Valerie Lee White, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Woodland: Dayna Sue St. Peter, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Elsewhere in Maine

Appleton: Hannah Corinne Cutler, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Arundel: Bailey Elizabeth Nunan, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Auburn: Christa M. Baiocchi, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Daniel Francis Poisson, Associate of Science in Applied Forest Management.

Augusta: Brooke Jenica Joy, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Megan Elizabeth Anne Mawhinney, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Bangor: Stephanie Elaine Schreiber, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Curtis J. York Jr., Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Benton: Bethany Ann Craig, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Renee Jayne Slaney, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Biddeford: Sara Lea Hebert, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Blue Hill: Lindsey Marie Carter, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Brunswick: Michele Beth Blasens, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Danielle Nicole Zimmerman, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Buxton: Morgan Marie Thomas, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Chester: Ashlee Mary Jipson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Corinth: Tanya Jane Palmer, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Cumberland Center: Anne Marie Grandchamp, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Damariscotta: Chelsea Ann Douglas, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Dayton: Danielle Lynn Daigle, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Detroit: Kristen Marie Switzer, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

East Boothbay: Hayden Scott Alley, Associate of Science in Applied Forest Management.

East Waterboro: Stacy Carolyn Verrell, Bachelor of Science in Biology.

East Winthrop: Jessica Leigh Dummich, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Etna: Angel Francini, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Rebecca M. George, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Megan Marie Perry, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Fairfield: Violet Mae Hyatt, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Farmington: Kelsey Jane Whitely, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Freeman Township: Ella P. Fast, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Fryeburg: Emma Rose Flaherty, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science.

Gardner: Sara Rose Brann, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Garland: Deanna Elizabeth Genovese, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Gouldsboro: Danny Arthur Mitchell Jr., Associate of Science in Information Security.

Gray: Amanda P. Giggey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Greene: Taylor Reid Woodbury, Associate of Arts on Conservation Law Enforcement.

Greenville: Olivia Catherine Bouchard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Michaella Elizabeth Gilbert, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Greenville Junction: Garrett Walker Wilbur, Associate of Applied Science Forest Management.

Harpswell: Bonnie J. Randazza, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Harrison: Kathleen Margaret McLaren, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Holden: Kristen Jeanette Ellis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Hope: Jeannine Theresa Boutin Lesage, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Jay: Courtney Lyn Bubier, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Jefferson: Shani J. Healey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Lamoine: Nancy Ellen Graham, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Lewiston: Erin R. Pierce, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Lincolnville: Jamie Lynn Messier, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Isaac Milton Young II, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration.

Lovell: Elizabeth P. Hurd, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Madison: Michelle M. James, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Nathalie Alexa Michaud, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Millinocket: Shawn Cyr, Associate of Science in Applied Forest Management; Jordan Marie Mackin, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science;  Michelle Rose Moscone, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Monroe: Kelsi Leigh Story, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Newport: Trevor Jonathan Francis, Associate of Science in Applied Forest Management.

North Berwick: Jennifer A. Fenderson, Bachelor of Arts and Science; Amanda Theresa Pilecki, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

North Monmouth: Julia M. DeSefano, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

North Yarmouth: Nicole Elizabeth Wear, Bachelor of Science in Nursing .

Old Orchard Beach: Peter James Vorias , Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

Orrington: Kaitlin Brynn Robinson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Otis: Matthew Clinton Merchant, Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Arrabine Jean Dunn, Associate of Arts in General Studies.

Owls Head: Alyssa Marie Pierce, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Oxford: Jordyn Lynn Sanborn, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Parkman: Jonathan Wentworth Wing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Pembroke: Deanna Lee Raye, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Penobscot: Cynthia Marie Wailus, Bachelor of Arts in English.

Perry: Kristen Irene Champagne, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Plymouth: Kezzie E. Woodbury, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Portland: Kalli Elizabeth Daggett, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Donna Marie Nale, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Janine Stone, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; James Charles White, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Randolph: Rhiannon Kayley Ludder, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Rangeley: Lauren Carolyn White, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Raymond: Nicole Marie Thibault Furlong, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Rockland: Meagan Lynn Cash, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Christy Lura Dec, Associate of Arts in Accounting; Jessica Alayne White, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Rockport: Hannah Starr Demmons, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shannon S. Hall, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Saco: Eric John Hutchings, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration.

Sangerville: Logan Matthew Dow, Bachelor of Science in Computer Application.

Scarborough: Curran James LeComte, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Searsmont: Holly Jean Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Kayla Ann Pendleton, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Solon: Christy Lee Brown, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

South China: Stephanie Lee Reynolds, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

South Portland: Marybeth C. Riley, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shannon Marie Smith, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Turner: Dulsie Jane Varney, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Vassalboro: Breann Elizabeth Schopmann, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Waldoboro: Alisa Marie Kidney, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Warren: Nicole Russell Harriman, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Waterville: Patti J. Gagne, Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Therese Marie Nickerson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Westbrook: Chelsea Marie Nickerson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

West Gardiner: Jessica Lynn Rankin, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

West Paris: Chelsea Maxine Frey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Winthrop: Benjamin Andrew Hall, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

York: Kaitlyn M. D’Orazio, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Out of State

Daphe, AL: Shelagh Mairead Van Anglen, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies.

Atwater, CA: Tiara Sinclair Nolen, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Brentwood, CA: Kara Jayme Leffle, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration.

Fairfield, CA: Brianna Nicole Krystek, Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Hayward, CA: Cristina Maria Mendoza, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration/Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

Lindsay, CA: Fabiola Gutierrez, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science.

Los Angeles, CA: Shannon Malik Seegmiller Weathersby, Bachelor of Arts in French.

Salinas, CA: Alexis Ann Warne, Bachelor of Arts and Science.

San Francisco, CA: Fletcher Fox Brown, Bachelor of Arts in English.

San Jose, CA: Danica Alaban, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Soledad, CA: Yosselin Guadalupe Berrueco, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science.

Suisun City, CA: Selina Rene Castro, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science.

Willows, CA: Rochelle Marie Douglass, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Lebanon, CT: Daniel James Dudar, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

Manchester, CT: Alshane O’Brian Linton, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice.

Stratford, CT: Sophia A. Joseph, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Washington, DC: Christopher David Haake, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Sterlin Jourdain, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Mequeline Smith, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Lake Park, FL: Sanuel Brumer, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Magela Laurore, Bachelor of Science Nursing.

Wesley Chapel, FL: Shane Felan Hughes, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration.

Vernon Hills, IL: Benjamin Collin Kluvers, Bachelor of Science in Computer Application.

Amherst, MA: Havalah Susan Schnurr, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Lakeville, MA: Victoria M. Gavin, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Rutland, MA: Richard Asare, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Stoughton, MA: Nina Loren Chan, Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration.

Cary, NC: Ally Seunghyun Sparacio, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Raleigh, NC: Alexandra Lee Macalle, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Enfield, NH: Leonel Junior Pierre, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Farmington, NH: Mikaela Caroline Paluszek, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences.

Lyme, NH: Jennifer Marie Dyke, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Stratford, NH: Jamie Marie Clark, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Suffern, NY: Lafortune Sardou Cothia, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Springfield, OR: Dylan Tyler Hesse, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Conroe, TX: Sunyea Lee Cho, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Mechanicsville, VA: Anna Leigh Battiata, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Puyallup, WA: Abigail Louise Moeller, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Canadian Students

Carlingford, NB: Naomi R. Alleyne, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Dsl de Drummond, NB: Wendy Y. Jensen, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

London, ON: Emma Kathleen Ashby, Bachelor of Science in Biology. (Salutatorian)

Deux- Montagnes, QC: Brianna Mills, Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Rosemere, QC: Marie-Laurence Montagne, Bachelor of Science in Biology.

International Students

St. Polten, Austria: Heidi Christine Feichter, Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Kumba, Cameroon: Victorine A. Agbor, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Xingyan City, Henan, China: Haijun Yao, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Guatemala City, Guatemala: Isabella Liigia Argetta, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Cite Soleil, Portay Prince, Haiti: Frantzceau Germain, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Manchester, Jamaica: Milton Tyrone Christopher, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Montego Bay, Jamaica: Neon Oshane Brown, Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science.

St. Elizabeth, Jamaica: Garth Junior Banton, Bachelor of Science in Business; Ricardo Dwight Whitely, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Majuro, Marshall Islands: Patricia M. Anjain, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Camilla Betwell, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Cindy M. Erra, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Rotis Jitiam, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Harrold Maddison, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Yolanda Mares, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Mijena Mijena Jr., Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Lita Myazoe, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Neil Sawej, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Tetiana Sawej, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; Teresa Althea Bing White, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences; John Zedkaia, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences.

Warrio Delta State, Nigeria: Orufonomoh Mary Trudeau, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Glasgow, Scotland: Kyle Mark Robin, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Johnstone, Scotland: Jamie A. Reid, Bachelor of Science in Computer Applications.

Randburg, South Africa: Ashlee J. Davis, Bachelor of Science in Business.

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: Alexandra Meister,  Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Bar, Republic of Montenegro: Niko Vukosavovic, Bachelor of Science in Business.