Athletes gain honors at LCS awards night

8 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — School officials and coaches presented awards June 5 to members of the spring sports teams at Limestone Community School.

Kourtney West and Kennedy Bencivenga were named co-MVPs for LCS middle level softball. Jazmine Wilkins captured the team’s coaches award.

Eagle senior Travis Hatfield, left, was the male recipient of the Pet Thornton/Howard Lello Award.
(Joseph Cyr)

The middle school baseball MVP was Barry Tucker, while Carsen Poitras was named most improved player and Gunner Hatfield took home the coaches award.

Delaney Rossignol garnered MVP honors in varsity softball and Sierra Dann was named most improved player. Co-outstanding player award winners were Lasha Butler and Taylor LaBreck.

Jacob Hatfield claimed MVP honors in varsity baseball. Alex Sprague received the coaches award and James Hawkes the most improved player award.

End-of-the-year special awards also were presented.

West was named the eighth-grade female athlete of the year and Tucker the male athlete of the year.

In senior award presentations, Rebecca Dillenbeck was selected as the recipient of the Roger Bernard Sportsmanship Medallion for displaying positive leadership, school citizenship, and character traits during her career.

The Pet Thornton/Howard Lello Awards for outstanding senior male athlete was given to Travis Hatfield, while the female recipient was Dann.