Mapleton Daze are here

8 years ago

The Mapleton Lions Club will hold its annual chicken barbecue on Friday, June 23, in conjunction with its hosting of the Mapleton Daze weekend.

The dinner will be held on the grounds of the Mapleton Lions Hall starting at 4:30 p.m. and running until all of the dinners are served. The menu consists of one-half chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, roll and drink.

The cost will be $9 for adults and $7 for children. Wendell Hudson will provide music. Everyone is invited.

Dessert options

There will be two delicious options for treats after the chicken barbecue dinner.

The Mapleton Methodist Women’s Group will sell their homemade pies by the slice and throw in a cup of coffee. There will be at least 15 varieties of pie available.

The Mapleton Baptist Youth Group will sell their homemade ice cream. Several different flavors will be available including old-fashioned vanilla, grape-nut and strawberry.

The best choice of after-dinner treats might be pie a la mode, combining a slice of the Methodist Women’s pie with a scoop of the Baptist Youth’s ice cream. This combination is as close to heaven on earth as you can get.

Historical Society treat

On Saturday, June 24, as part of Mapleton Daze, the Haystack Historical Society will again offer a huge selection of homemade pies. The museum will open at 9 a.m. and starting at 10 a.m. there will be pies and homemade vanilla or grape-nut ice cream for sale. Serving will end at 2 p.m. or whenever the pie runs out.

This is one of two fundraisers for the society this year. Come visit the museum and enjoy some pie and ice cream.

Mapleton High School alumni are encouraged to stop in and visit the museum for a treat following their Saturday luncheon. Meet and greet some longtime friends at the museum.

Cooking at the Farm

June 24 and 25 are the two days of the Maple Meadow Farm Festival. The Mapleton Lions Club will grill and fry some favorite foods at the farm, including hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, sausage sandwiches, French fries and doughboys.

Come and enjoy the many exhibits and demonstrations at Maple Meadow Farm and see the various vendors. The festival is very kid-friendly.

Terry Sandusky is the correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at