Regional Rail Response training session in Caribou

8 years ago

A Regional Rail Response training is scheduled to take place in Caribou in July. The program is designed to bring local and regional agencies together to better understand response efforts and roles should a derailment or incident occur.

The eight hour session will cover the following:

— An understanding of the response disciplines and associated roles during a response to a rail incident.

— Knowledge about the industry and rail lines within your region, including the commodities that are transported.

— An understanding about the need for a coordinated effort when responding to an incident, and how to effectively manage available resources.

— Experience through a group exercise to reinforce the training concepts around a train derailment scenario.

— Course Certificate from the IAFC Academy for eight hazardous material training contact hours.

The training will be held 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. on July 20 at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center in Caribou. Lunch will be provided. Seating is limited to 50 so if interested please register early. Register online by visiting