Rotarians celebrate with annual dinner

Diane Hines, Houlton Rotarian, Special to The County
8 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Rotary Club celebrated its Annual Dinner on June 19. There were featured guests beginning with this year’s Youth Exchange student Rhetta Vega who was joined by her family. Vega is now a junior at Houlton High School and spoke to the group about her summer plans receiving her Austrian exchange student and going back with her to Austria.


McGill’s Community Band received an award from the Houlton Rotary Club at its June 19 annual dinner. Making the presentation are, from left, President Matt Nightingale; Kevin Mania, band director; and Rotarian Dana Delano. (contributed photo/Nate Bodenstab)

Rotarian Andy Mooers announced the attendance awards with Deb Clark showing her dedication to the club with 10 years of perfect attendance along with Nancy Ketch. Frank Thompson was awarded for seven years perfect attendance with Matt Nightingale next at three years perfect attendance.

President Nightingale gave the Rotarian President’s Award to the Literacy Committee. This committee is overseen by Rotarian Otis Smith. Other Rotarians on the committee are Linda Faucher, who co chairs the work, Tracy Rockwell, Joyce Fitzpatrick, Paul Callnan and Craig Bean.

Other committee members are teachers Lisa Kirk and Kate Fitzpatrick and Literacy specialist at Southside School Janet Murakami. Linda Hickman from the Higher Education Center is also on the committee. Nightingale presented the group with a donation of $1,500. Bean and Callnan were especially celebrated as the only men reading to the kids and as such have become role models for many of the students who flock to them when they come to work on literacy by reading to them or having the children read.

Darryl Scott White was the recipient of the Paul Harris Award during Houlton Rotary’s annual dinner June 19. The award is the highest honor bestowed by Rotary. Making the presentation is Fred Grant. (contributed photo/Nate Bodenstab)

Rotarian Leigh Cummings oversaw the installation of the new year’s officers with President Matthew Nightingale continuing on for another year, Vice President Nate Bodenstab, Sergeant-At-Arms Tracy Rockwell, Treasurer Paul Callnan and Secretary Deb Clark. Board members are Moose Karnes, Nancy West, Mac Randolph, Becky Day and Linda Faucher.

Nightingale announced the successful fund-raising programs for the year such as the new sport’s trailer and he thanked everyone for their hard work over the past year. Rotarians Marguerite Lawlor and Dana Delano introduced the special awards of the Paul Harris Fellow Award.

This year’s two non-Rotarian recipients were McGill’s Community Band and Vicky Hagerman. McGill’s was founded by David McGillicudy in 1985 and continues to serve the community at large with the spirit of giving time and talent and contributing to friends and neighbors with relevance to current concerns and interest. Hagerman has given tirelessly to the Houlton Regional Health Service’s annual golf tournament for the past twenty eight years. This so called part time job has become a full time effort year round and Hagerman meets the Paul Harris Fellow requirements as an individual who truly exemplifies the spirit of the award.

Vicki Hagerman, right, receives an award from Houlton Rotarian Max Lynds at the annual dinner June 19. The award was one of two given out to non-Rotary members for contributions to the community. (contributed photo/Nate Bodenstab)

Rotarian Fred Grant presented the Rotary Paul Harris Award to Darryl Scott White, owner of Aroostook Auto Glass. White has shown extraordinary dedication to the club and to his family along with building a successful business. White has been club president, serves at every club event, has been to the Dominican Republic with his daughter Franke and has helped with the Soap Box Derby over the years.