Historical society nets $21,000 gift

8 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — Members of the Caribou Historical Center and Museum met Saturday, June 20, 2017.

The group received a check for $21,810.76 from The Roderick Living Trust. These funds will be used for special projects to improve the operation of the museum and benefit patrons. This gift was sincerely welcomed.

Some funds are already at work in the garage’s new metal roof, members said. The existing asphalt shingles were old and disintegrating, and damages from heavy snow this past winter along with required snow removal made new roofing necessary.

“The timing of the gift was perfect as the most recent checkup of our 31-year-old furnace found that putting of its replacement could no longer be delayed. The cost of a new furnace will be significant,” said society vice president Richard Cilley in a press release.

The board of directors will address furnace needs and additional concerns, including sponsoring suppers; replacing Spring Brook Bridge, which is in a state of disrepair; identifying and scheduling a series of displays for the public; increasing the number of visitors to the center; and adding artifacts to the collections.

The July business meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 15. Members and other interested individuals are invited to attend.