Limestone fire dept. holds open house

8 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — Local kids played with fire hoses, enjoyed gifts and met Sparky the Fire Dog during a June 28 open house at the Limestone Fire Department.

Chief Jon Poitras says the open house is a way for the town to kick off their Fourth of July festivities and for parents to show their children how Limestone is equipped to fight fires.

“We started in 2014,” said Poitras, “and it’s a good way to the start Limestone’s Fourth of July activities.”

Children receive plastic fire hats and a goodie bag with fire prevention materials before leaving the event, which Poitras says typically lasts an hour and a half.

“The kids and parents both enjoy the event, and every kid likes to spray fire hoses,” Poitras said. “We’ve had some great water fights with the hoses. I’ve seen some kids out here soaking wet on warm evenings.”