PICC league update (Week of June 28, 2017)

8 years ago

Men’s Twilight League standings

Top teams (after three weeks): Hunter Flynn and Rob Flynn, 9 points; Mike Samon and Steve Sweetser, 8-1/2; Henry Carpenter and Joel Griffeth, 8 points; Curt Culberson and Frank Keenan, 7;

Al Leach and George Watson, 7; Bill Ireland and Randy Trask, 7; Charles Violette and Scott Violette, 6-1/2; Adam Kingsbury and Dillon Kingsbury, 6-1/2; A.J. Cloukey and Steve Chandler, 6; Jeff Beaulieu and Kirby Seward, 6; Gary Hughes and Liam Hughes, 6; Greg Hallett and Jordan Hallett, 5-1/2; Phil Pelletier and Tim Gagnon, 5; Randy Hitchcock and Larry Rouse, 5; Bill Egeler and Dave Wyman, 5.

Low scores (week 3): Phil Pelletier, 38; Ryan Graves, 38; Hunter Flynn, 39; Frank Keenan, 39; Ryan Umphrey, 40; Tim Gagnon, 41; Liam Hughes, 41; Curt Culberson, 41; and A.J. Cloukey, 41.

Week 3, closest to pin: hole No. 8, Dave Wyman, 18 feet; hole No. 16, Jeff Beaulieu, 5 feet, 6 inches.

Monday Morning
Men’s Golf Group

June 12 team results: first place, Sonny Pelletier, Bill Harris, Jason Russell and Dick Russell, plus 19; second, Harold Clark, Frank Smith, Nick Straetz and Steve Sandelir, plus 16; second, Bob Duprey, Elton Thibodeau, Al Giberson and Mike Samon, plus 16; and fourth, Glen Carson, Frank Keenan, Eldon Levesque and Maynard Levesque, plus 12.

Low scores: Frank Keenan, 76; Curt Culberson, 79; Eldon Levesque, 80; Harold Clark, 81; and Elton Thibodeau, 82.

Quota points: Steve Sandelier, plus 9; Frank Smith, plus 6; Sonny Pelletier, plus 6; Mike Samon, plus 6; Elton Thibodeau, plus 5; Bill Casavant, plus 5; and Eldon Levesque, plus 5.

Closest to pin, hole No. 16: Dick Russell, 1 foot, 2 inches.