Mapleton Daze events defy rain

8 years ago

Though rainy weather prevailed, it didn’t dampen the spirits of the 2017 edition of Mapleton Daze.  The Bike Rodeo and outdoor movie night featuring “Sing” started things off June 21, and on June 22, with a packed Mapleton Lions Hall, people played Bingo upstairs while the annual “Woodie Waddell Cribbage Tournament” was held downstairs.

On Friday evening, June 23, the Mapleton Lions Club grilled and served nearly 300 chicken dinners. Wendell Hudson and Friends entertained while the Methodist ladies sold pie that many topped with the Baptist youths’ homemade ice cream.  Lions President Allen Salo said attendance was down due to weather, but the evening was still an overall success for all three organizations. 

Under the watchful eye of Mapleton Lions Club grill master Jon Roark, Lions Peter Greenier and Rick Fowler prepare to serve barbecued chicken at the club’s Chicken barbecue, held Friday evening, June 23, during Mapleton Daze. (Photo courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

Rain did cause the fireworks to be rescheduled to Saturday night, June 24. On Saturday morning several ladies participated in a “Pop Pilates” session at the Lions hall led by Ashley Nadeau.

The rain stopped for the Mapleton Daze Parade, which featured beauty queens and little misses along with the Anah Temple Shrine band, Indy Cars and clowns.  The highlight of the parade was Steve “Lucky” Gudreau driving Mapleton One Stop hero Carrie Wade, who administered CPR to Steve a few weeks ago, saving his life.  

The Haystack Historical Society opened the museum and sold homemade pie and ice cream. Dena Winslow discussed her project to write a history of the Maine potato basket that was used only in Maine and New Brunswick.  Alice Shepherd of the Historical Society was pleased with visitor attendance and interest.

This year the Mapleton High School Alumni Association held a luncheon at the Mapleton Elementary School.  Members attending reported they enjoyed the afternoon event. Anyone interested in the alumni association meeting may contact alumni officers for information.

Saturday evening featured a benefit dinner sponsored by the Aroostook Huskies Football League followed by a parking lot dance party by the Lions Hall.  A large crowd enjoyed fireworks at 9 p.m. The rain held off until minutes after the show.  

Mapleton Daze closed with an early Sunday sunrise praise and devotional service led by Wendell Hudson.  

The Mapleton Daze Committee is already working on the 2018 event and needs volunteers to continue this festival. Contact either Deana Easler at 227-6128 or Lynnelle Lavway at 227-5896 to be involved.

In addition to the Daze weekend, the Mapleton Lions were a host sponsor for the Maple Meadow Farm Fest, and cooked and served food at the event. They appreciate everyone who came to both of these events and bought a chicken dinner or a sandwich and fries.  Funds raised support Mapleton Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack 170, the Mapleton Little League and Summer Recreation Program, and many other community needs.  

The fourth and final event for the Mapleton Lions Club this summer is the coming Crown of Maine Balloon Fest, August 24-27.  Again the club will be selling sandwiches, fries and doughboys to support Mapleton Lions Club Charities.

Grange Society News

The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society drew winners of two gift baskets during Mapleton Daze. The first basket went to Joan Phillips of Panama City, Fla., and the second went to Adena Wilson of Presque Isle.

The society thanks all who donated items for the baskets, valued at over $500, and who bought tickets for this fundraiser. The money from this project with help with the hall’s insurance premium.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at