Oakfield seniors gather

Charlotte Marley, Special to The County
8 years ago

The ladies and gents of Oakfield Senior Citizens met on July 5 at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club for their first meeting of July. After a delicious potluck luncheon the business meeting was called to order with the Lord’s Prayer followed by The Flag Salute.

July birthdays were recognized. All reports were read and accepted. Marie Gillotti was the lucky 50/50 winner.

The next meeting will be on July 12 at The Slice in Island Falls at 11:30. Plans are being made for an auction in the near future. There will be no meeting on July 19.

Attending were: Marie Gillotti, Arlene Friel, Bob and Delores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Verna Boone, Gladys Corneil, Iona Nadeau, Mildred Gagnon, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Nacie Fowler, Alma Russell, Don and Charlotte Marley.