TOPS (week of July 12, 2017)

8 years ago

TOPS Chapter 0233 of Houlton met Friday, June 30. There were nine TOPS and three KOPS members present. Cleo was the Loser of the Week and Jeanette Nelson was the runner-up.

The Skinny Dish was held over until next week. Bessie Wyman won the 50/50.

Now for the answer to last week’s question. Sorrel is related to the spinach family. It can be used in soups and stews. It’s a leafy vegetable that can be steamed. Lavender is a member of the mint family. It can be used in jellies and desserts. Can also be used in salad dressings. Who knew? Thank you, Bessie.

Nominations are due for next year’s officers next week, so be thinking about who we want in these positions. Any ideas? Bring them with you next week.

Diane Folsom presented the program this week. Summer’s here, and along with it, lots of barbecues and picnics. Diane gave many hints on how to choose our drinks and foods. Keep ice cold water on hand. Be aware of what you are putting on your plate. The main goal is fun with family and friends, so enjoy your picnics without packing on the pounds.

Dieting is a lifestyle change, but not difficult. It just means eating more nutritious meals.

For really great support for your own lifestyle changes, come join our group. We meet every Friday morning. For more information or directions to our meetings, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.