Outdoor calendar July 14-16

8 years ago

Friday, July 14

FORT FAIRFIELD: Maine Potato Blossom Festival Bike Rodeo, 9 a.m. at CP Station Park. For kids ages 12 and under. Bring your bike and helmet and join in the fun. Visit www.fortfairfield.org FMI.

Saturday, July 15

STATEWIDE: Maine Audubon Loon Count Project. Be a citizen scientist — go to your favorite lake or pond to count loons and help protect them and their lake habitat. The count occurs between 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. with the early morning providing an excellent snapshot of the loon population. Registration required. Contact Susan Gallo (207-781-2330 x216) or sgallo@maineaudubon.org FMI.

FORT FAIRFIELD: Maine Potato Blossom Festival 5-Miler. Registration: 7:30 a.m. across from Hillside IGA, Main St. Walk starts at 8:30 a.m. while run starts at 9 a.m. Cost: $15/person; T-shirt to first 70 registrants. Contact Rob Langner (207-227-6075) FMI

FORT KENT: FK40K. Registration: 8 a.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center, 33 Paradis Circle. Course for Fort Kent Outdoor Center fundraiser consists of 20K loop with rolling XC trails, hills, unmaintained wet trail sections, moose, old stumps, blowdowns, single-track MTB trails, tall grass, wildflowers, ski hill, winding snowshoe trails. Cost: $15. Visit www.facebook.com/events/1093323354074264 FMI

Sunday, July 16

STATEWIDE: Maine State Parks and Historic Sites Loon Plate Appreciation Day. All vehicles bearing Maine Loon Conservation license plates are allowed free entrance to Maine state parks and historic sites, including Aroostook State Park and Fort Kent Blockhouse; does not apply to Baxter State Park and some other facilities. Contact Aroostook State Park (207-768-8341) FMI

FORT FAIRFIELD: Maine Potato Blossom Festival Spud Cycle Classic. 25-mile and 12-mile (for ages 13-15) events. Registration: 8 a.m. at FF Community Center, 18 Community Center Dr. Race starts at 10 a.m. at FF Public Library and ends at Hillcrest Estates. Cost: $15/rider; includes T-shirt to first 50 registrants. Contact Tom Towle (207-472-3882) or ttowle@fortfairfield.org FMI

FORT FAIRFIELD: Maine Potato Blossom Festival Flotilla of Fun. 2 p.m. at Forbes Landing, 6 miles north of Fort Fairfield on Route 161. Ends at Giggey’s Landing just after FF Bridge. Bring your kayaks and canoes and lifejackets; join us on the Aroostook River for an afternoon of floating, fun, serenity, many opportunities to enjoy wildlife. No cost. Contact Tom Towle (207-472-3882) or ttowle@fortfairfield.org FMI

Ongoing Programs:

PRESQUE ISLE: County Strides Running Group. Sundays; 10 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends. Visit County Strides at www.facebook.com/groups/447181508818122 FMI.

CARIBOU: Tuesday Track Workouts. Tuesdays; 5:15 p.m. at Caribou High School. Join runners of all abilities to do predetermined intervals, your own workout, or just run with others and forget the workout. Average distance: 5-9 miles; can be adapted per individual. Contact PJ Gorneault pgorneault@rsu39.org FMI.

EASTON: Francis Malcolm Science Center Walk-in Tours, Easton. Weekdays; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Experience planetarium’s new, full-dome, digital projection system, featuring a 30-minute activity; 15 minutes in the star theater, 15 minutes to visit the facility at large. Cost: $5/visitor; reservations requested. Contact FMSC (207-488-5451) FMI.

Looking for more info on outdoor, people-powered, or active lifestyle events? Please visit www.offugoaroostook.blogspot.com