Financial woes lead to new ideas, lower mill rate in Presque Isle

Craig Green, Special to The County
8 years ago

To The Editor,

During the past decade, the U.S. and our state have both had major financial challenges. The 2008 financial credit crunch began to make budgets tighter on state and local levels.  As the economy slowed, federal tax revenues decreased the aid to states, which in turn caused us, the end of the funding chain to experience reduced funding.

This cut in revenue sharing has affected all three of the components of your local tax bill, namely: Presque Isle, SAD 1 and Aroostook County government. Just in the case of our city, we were receiving $1.98 million in revenue sharing in 2008 and that has reduced to an estimated $810,000 in 2017. This loss of nearly $1.1 million is the reason that over the last few years there has been a change in the structure of city government and some services.

This is not all bad news, because it has created some new and innovative ideas and partnerships that in the end will be very beneficial to not only Presque Isle, but to our neighboring communities and also to our local SAD.

Just to give a comparison, in 2007, when the revenue sharing was nearly at its highest reimbursement level, our mill rate was 26.15 and today we are declaring a lower rate of 25.60. (In 2016, it was 25.68.) As the coming year rolls along, you should expect to have more news about cost saving opportunities by sharing services and the possibilities are exciting. Some of these items may be small and some more major, but because of the finances of today, change is inevitable.

Balancing the important facets of the budget, which are in short, making a well maintained, attractive community, one that we can also afford to live and do business in, is a worthy goal.  

As a citizen representative of the community on the council it is important to remind you that we, like you, live by and under the rules and taxes. Unlike, national politics, with big salaries, financial incentives and career length positions, local members of boards and councils have none of that. We truly are the last vestige of true representation of the people.

Please stay informed and engaged in local decisions. We do want to hear about your opinions. I hope you will partner in making Presque Isle truly the “Star City.”

Craig Green

City councilor

Presque Isle