Houlton From Our Files (week of July 19, 2017)

8 years ago

100 Years Ago – July 18, 1917

    Good business The Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. has opened a store in the Thibodeau Block, on Broadway, and was doing a big business Saturday.

    Taking part The Houlton Merchants’ Association are to take an active part in the Houlton fair this year. They have leased the ground space devoted to midway purposes and will do their utmost to make it an attractive and paying proposition.

75 Years Ago – July 16, 1942

    Receives plaque In special services to be held Sunday, Col. James A. Ellison, Commanding Officer of the Houlton Air Base will present to the Houlton USO Club a specially prepared plaque expressing to the club and its officials the appreciation of the soldiers at the Air Base for the courtesies extended to them in Houlton.

    ‘A’ Cards A total of 1387 motorists were supplied with ‘A’ gasoline rationing books and stickers during the three day registration period held here Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week, Supt. George Cumming announced this week. This is the new rationing program which becomes effective throughout 17 Eastern states July 22.

50 Years Ago – July 19 , 1967

    Crowned Miss Janice Grant, an 18-year-old sophomore at the University of Maine, will represent Houlton this Friday in the annual Potato Blossom Festival at Fort Fairfield. She will carry the title of Miss Houlton into a contest to select a Festival Queen.

    Bank elects Lester H. Baker was elected president of the Houlton Savings Bank at the 95th annual meeting. He succeeds the late George A. Hall, who served in the same capacity for more than 17 years,.

25 Years Ago – July 15, 1992

   Improvement begins Work has begun on improvements to U.S. Route 1 in Houlton and Littleton and U.S. Route 2 in Houlton, according to the Maine Department of Transportation.

   Bank opens doors — Machias Savings Bank President Edward L. Hennessey Jr., said the branch office recently acquired from Key Bank, at 40 Market Square, Houlton, formerly Casco Northern, opened for business on Monday.