Soccer officials needed in Aroostook County

8 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — A clinic for prospective soccer officials will be offered at the Caribou High School ski building beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 5.

Bob Stedt is the primary instructor and the cost for the clinic is $40. Participants should bring clothes and shoes for a fitness test.

Uniform order forms will be available and some uniforms will be available for purchase at the clinic. The annual board dues are $65 and must be paid prior to working any games.

“It is about a $200 initial investment with a return of all of the investment in about six games,” said Steve Thibodeau, who serves as secretary of the Northern Maine Board of Approved Soccer Officials.

He said the class time will depend on how many are in attendance, but predicted the clinic should finish “between 2 and 3 p.m.”

Those interested should contact Stedt at or Thibodeau at If not enough people register, the clinic could be cancelled.

“We are in need of officials in every area of Aroostook County and there is no lack of games,” Thibodeau said. “Come join us and make money while staying in shape, enjoying the outdoors and [interacting with] student athletes.”