Yes, the Rusty Metal Farm hens are junk food junkies

Julia Bayly, Special to The County
8 years ago

FORT KENT, Maine — To hear my friends tell it, the Rusty Metal Farm chickens are among the most spoiled and pampered on the planet.

I’m not so sure I’d agree with that assessment. I’d prefer to say the members of the flock are somewhat “discerning,” especially when it comes to meals and snack time.

Back when I got into raising my own laying hens in 2008, I was told by several experienced fowl farmers that “chickens can eat just about anything.”

I did a bit of research and asking around and, turns out, since chickens are technically omnivores, they can, indeed, eat “anything.”

In fact, the only thing they can’t have are used coffee grounds, which is a real shame. I mean, just think of the market for caffeine-infused eggs?

With my first flock of hens I started supplementing their chicken-feed with diced lettuce, shredded apples and other healthy treats.

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