100 Years Ago – July 25, 1917
In town — Clarence Trumble, a well known and prominent business man of Calais, was in Houlton Friday, by auto. Mr. Trumble is well known here where he made many friends when he was a traveling salesman through Aroostook.
Work trip — Mr. Frank P. Clark left Friday for Chicago to attend a meeting of the National Hay Trade Association.
75 Years Ago – July 23, 1942
Party — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunn entertained at a luncheon at the Maples Tea room in honor of three of the employees of the Dunn Furniture Company, Hunter Cotton, who left to be inducted into the U.S. Service, Kenneth Ramsell who will spend several days at his home before being inducted into the service and Clinton Dill who has accepted a position with the State Auditing Department in Augusta. All three were presented a gift from their fellow workers.
Plaque given — William Dohoney, director of the Houlton USO Club and Mrs. Marion McCluskey, assistant director were honored at special exercises at Monument Park Sunday afternoon when they were presented with a plaque from the enlisted personnel at the Houlton Air Base in appreciation for the work that has been done by the USO Club, through its officials, to make easier the life of the soldiers stationed here.
50 Years Ago – July 26, 1967
Runner-up — Miss Janice Grant, ‘Miss Houlton of 1967’ was the first runner-up in the annual Potato Blossom Festival held at Fort Fairfield this past weekend. Miss Grant received a large silver bowl and a $100 savings bond for her efforts.
Birthday — Mrs. Mary Neal observed her 88 birthday July 18 with her niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Bubar and family of Millinocket as her supper guests. A family gathering was held that evening at the home of Mrs. Neal’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O’Roak.
25 Years Ago – July 22, 1992
Winner — Jack Forbush, manager of Irving Big Stop presented Dana Kennedy, of Sunbury Co., with a check for $2,000. Kennedy was the winner of the Irving Big Stop promotion for an owner-operator to receive a month’s truck payment up to $2,000.
50 years — Nearly 100 relatives and guests attended a celebration for Bette and Homes Gardner of Presque Isle, on their 50th wedding anniversary at a party June 14 at the Northeastland Hotel. The couple was married June 9, 1942 in Houlton at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marim C. Gentle.