TOPS Chapter 0233

Pam Richardson, Correspondent, Special to The County
7 years ago

TOPS Chapter 0233 met Friday, Sept. 1, at Kelleran St. in Houlton. There were nine TOPS and three KOPS members present.

Mildred Gagnon was the Loser of the Week and Barbara Whited was the runner-up. Good job, ladies.

Charlotte Marley won the 50/50 and Brenda Lacostic won the Skinny Dish.

This was the first week of our contest “TOPS-To the Rescue.”  This contest will run six weeks with six points available each week. Here’s to the best loser as well as the most active.

A workshop was to be held in Caribou on Sept. 9; those going met at the Aldergate Building for car groups.

Jean Merritt presented the program on the value of drinking water. Dehydration, energy levels and even health problems can be averted by drinking water. Jean also read an article on Coke and how it affects our lives. It was amazing how Coke can be used as a cleaner, as a rust remover and as a bolt loosener.

The chapter met next on Friday, Sept 8, with nine TOPS and four KOPS members attending.

Denise Clark and Brenda Lacostic were the losers of the week and Janette Nelson was the runner-up. Jean Merritt won the Skinny Dish and the 50/50 was won by our mystery lady.

We’re on week two of our contest. It’s fun and makes us aware of what and how much we’re eating.

Pam Richardson presented the program on “Tame the Flame of Inflammation,” taken from Environmental Nutrition newsletter. Broccoli and kale can be added to soups or salads and brazil nuts can be added to oatmeal or yogurt to fight inflammation.

Janette Nelson read from the same article “Too Much Salt Harms Organs.” Healthy adults should consume no more than 2,300 mg of salt each day, which equals about 1 teaspoon.

We receive support each week from each other. It boosts our confidence and gives us the skills we need to say “Yes, we can.” All are welcome.

For more information and meeting times, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.