With all that’s been going on in the news lately, raging storms, earthquakes, the nation on the brink of nuclear war, I’m starting to get the feeling someone around here is in possession of a stolen artifact or perhaps someone read a passage from some ancient text that has left us all jinxed. I think Timbuk 3 said it best when they sang the lyrics, “The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.”
Speaking of bad news. I just watched my 2-month-old son get vaccinated. He was jabbed three times in his legs. All the air went out of his lungs and he struggled to cry. I know it’s a small price to pay to avoid something much worse.
I still haven’t recovered from when I witnessed him get circumcised. That was medieval. Metal and stretching and piercing and slicing all for the sake of aesthetics. Again, I know these things are supposed to help, right?
I’m no antivaxxer or anything, although I do have some friends who are. I dig science as much as the next person, although I have some friends who don’t. I often find myself caught in the middle when it comes to similar arguments. I seem conservative to my liberal friends and I seem liberal to my conservative friends. I don’t like labels. I believe no one knows what they’re doing so why bother giving him or her a label.
After spending time on social media do you ever get the feeling like we’re living above a river a slime that feeds on our negative emotions like in Ghostbusters 2? The constant fighting is a total waste of energy. What happened to the golden rule of just being cool?
It’s almost as if someone wants us to stay distracted. Great, now I sound crazy. But I can’t help it. I’m in a constant state of flux and I just nod my head to make those close to me happy. I feel like someone is next to me, slowly inflating a balloon close to the point of popping.
The world is ending and we’re too worried about whether the new iPhone will improve our selfie game or if politics belong on the ball field. And we’re losing sight of what’s important: people. Often I see folks too busy finding new ways to be a victim.
Look at me, I’ve started monologuing like some super villain. Maybe I am the bad guy now? How dare I step outside myself and observe and ask what is going on? There’s no time for that. I need to honor my forefathers, root for the home team, obey the law, pay my dues and above all else love this stolen sprawl of space rock so I can blend in and survive.
I have a better idea. I’m going to hug my kids, turn up the music and sit here and think. I suggest you do the same.
Chat with me on Twitter: @presquillian.