PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Maine Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on Sept. 21 at the home of Judy Kenney.
Installation of officers for 2017-18 was held for president Sue Lougee, vice-president Bonnie Cowett, corresponding secretary Ellen Helstrom, recording secretary Nancy Nichols, and treasurer Peggy Erwin.
Members thanked program committee members Helene Bernard, Nancy Nichols and Linda Swett for their diligent work on program booklets for each member.
Thank you notes were shared from the Hope and Justice Project and the NMCC Scholarship fund for recent donations from the chapter. Due to recent hurricane disasters, the group voted to donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
Tammy Walton shared information about Christmas wreaths for veterans’ cemeteries. Nancy Nichols detailed the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Homecoming weekend, scheduled for Oct. 6-7.
Dolores Hutchins reminded all that the Presque lsle chapters will host Founders Day this year.
The sorority’s snowbird members were relieved to learn that all of their homes were saved from the hurricanes in Florida. Members shared happy dollars about new pets, weddings, vacations, and visiting international guests.
Refreshments were served by Helene Bernard, Mae Gerrish and Priscilla Nichols.
The next meeting will be Oct. 19 at the home of Helene Bernard. Members were reminded to bring gifts for the pound auction fundraiser.