PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Ashley Burch is the proud mother of a healthy son who also happens to be the first baby born in Presque Isle in 2018.
Burch, 25 of Perham, gave birth to her son at The Aroostook Medical Center at 1:17 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2, after going into labor on New Year’s Eve.
She is leaning toward naming him Grayson — after the winter storm of the same name that was heading up the East Coast on Wednesday
“I think it was meant to be,” Burch said of the storm. “I want to see him grow over the next year and watch him change my life.”
Burch’s son was delivered by Mary Hamilton, a TAMC nurse midwife who delivered Burch when she was born 25 years ago. Burch’s son also was born at the same weight she was born at, 7 pounds and 11 ounces.
Burch was born in Presque Isle and spent her time growing up in Aroostook County and Piscataquis County. Until two months ago, she was living in Florida, but said she decided to return to Aroostook County to be with her family as she started on her own.
“I wanted to be with my mom and my sisters, aunts and uncles, and everyone,” said Burch, who drove back to Maine with her mom.
Burch said she was expecting to go home Thursday — ahead of the arrival here of the storm that she may name her son after. She said she was ready to start her new journey, complete with gift items from TAMC such as a special sleep blanket for newborns.
“I’m looking forward to watching him grow and learning from him.”