As part of the scheduled periodic review of the Maine Learning Results, the Maine Department of Education is seeking public comments regarding the current science standards.
A public meeting is planned in Houlton Wednesday, Feb. 28, from 4-6 p.m. at the Houlton High School library, 7 Bird St. Other hearings will be held in Augusta and Westbrook.
The science standards are based on the National Research Council’s 1996 National Science Education Standards and include both processes (ways scientists investigate and communicate about the natural world) and bodies of knowledge (concepts, principles, facts, theories). Technology includes the design process and the study of technological tools and their effects on society.
The standards are broken into grade spans (pK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-diploma) and the five MLR standards for science and technology are organized as follows:
A – major themes that unify science and technology ideas, e.g. systems, models, constancy and change, scale
B – skills and traits of scientific inquiry and technological design
C – history and nature of science and the impacts on society
D – earth, space and physical science
E – life science
The public hearings are intended to give anyone the opportunity to weigh in on the direction of future science standards in Maine. Anyone may speak at the public hearings, which will be live-streamed. People wishing to speak will be asked to sign in and it will be helpful, but not mandatory, to provide a written copy of their comments.
Anyone unable to attend the public hearing may send written comments by 5 pm on March 16 via email to with the subject “Science Standards Review,” or mailed to Maine Department of Education, attn: Paul Hambleton, 23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333.
The DOE will also review social studies standards coinciding with these hearings.
For further information Beth Lambert at