EDITOR’S NOTE: Since our staff cannot meet with all candidates or cover their campaign events, we have created this site to share candidate press releases and statements with our readers. The items are posted in their words and unedited. The views expressed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Northeast Publishing.
AUGUSTA, Maine — Lucas St. Clair, who is seeking the Democratic nomination in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, today turned in more than 1,290 certified signatures from registered voters to earn a spot on the June primary ballot.
Candidates for US Congress must turn in at least 1,000 valid signatures and no more than 1,500.
“This wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and commitment of our amazing volunteers, who have collected signatures for our campaign all across the 2nd Congressional District,” St. Clair said. “Thank you to everyone who collected signatures and who has represented our campaign in their communities. Voters are ready for a change in US Congress, and it shows with their enthusiasm in volunteering, caucusing and working early to elect Democrats.”
The St. Clair campaign collected signatures from more than 140 towns and every county in the district. The campaign has more than 120 active volunteers.
For more information about St. Clair, visit: www.stclairforcongress.com.