PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Three hundred and five athletes from 25 schools and agencies from as far north as Madawaska and as far south as Fort Kent are expected to be at the Presque Isle Middle School’s Johnson Athletic Complex Friday, May 11, for the annual Aroostook County Special Olympics Spring Games.
Carl Michaud, director of administration for the Central Aroostook Association, said well over 200 volunteers also will be part of the event. Many are National Honor Society students from several local high schools, but others include employees of Maine Mutual Group in Presque Isle, members of the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club and representatives from numerous law enforcement agencies from the region.
The opening ceremonies, which begin with a parade of athletes circling the school track at 9:15 a.m., also includes PIMS eighth-grader Naomi Wood singing the National Anthem and the lighting of the flame signifying the start of the games by David Blakey of OTC and Lt. Brian Harris of Maine State Police, Troop F.
Bud Fancy of the Wesleyan Church of Presque Isle will give the invocation. PIMS Principal Anne Blanchard will give the welcome. Michele Blackstone, board chair of the Aroostook County Area Management Team for Special Olympics will make a special presentation. Blanchard, PIHS Principal Ben Greenlaw and SAD 1 Board of Directors Chairperson Lucy Richard will lead athletes in the Special Olympics Oath before the games begin at approximately 9:30 a.m.
Events include wheelchair races, the 100-meter walk, the 50-meter run, the 100-meter run, the 200-meter run, the softball throw and the standing long jump.
The public is encouraged to attend and support all of the athletes.