Caribou area From Our Files (week of May 30, 2018)

7 years ago

115 Years Ago – June 2, 1903

Signs of summer One of the sure signs of summer, the scissors grinder, was on our streets on Saturday. The hand organ man and monkey are due next.

Comedy company The DuBerg Comedy Company opens a three nights’ engagement in Clark’s Hall tonight. The company is well spoken of and will probably be literally patronized.

100 Years Ago – June 5, 1918

Ugly wound Otto[sic] Nylander, the naturalist, received quite an ugly wound between the eyes last Friday while trimming trees with a sharp piece of wood hitting him with considerable force.

Move — Charles H. Hackett has moved his dry goods store into his new concrete building on Sweden Street.

75 Years Ago – June 2, 1943

Canned goods — Civilians will gain 30 million cases of canned fruits and vegetables as a result of reduced government requirements, the War Food Administration has announced. The reductions are mainly for corn, peas, spinach, tomatoes, snap beans, fruit cocktails, sweet cherries, peaches, pineapple and pineapple juice.

Dinner party — The National Honor Society at the High School was entertained last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. S.W. Collins with a dinner party for 21 members. The following officers for the coming year were elected at the business meeting: president, William Small; vice-president, Robert Snowman; secretary, Phyllis Lombard; and chairman of the program committee, Reginald Roderick. Members spent the evening at games and singing songs.

50 Years Ago – June 5, 1968

Robbery — Police foiled a robbery attempt at Tibbetts’ TV and Appliance store at about 9:45 Monday evening when Tom Brown, a patrolman who was checking doors, surprised a youth at the rear entrance, who promptly bolted away in the night. Owner Sterling Tibbetts said Tuesday that this was the second attempt to make entry through the rear of the store. About two months ago someone had removed a hardboard panel from the right door, apparently intending to reach inside to unlock it.

Resigns The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce announced it had accepted “with regret” the resignation of Robert E. Hemingway as executive vice-president. Hemingway planned to enter the teaching profession and had been accepted as a member of the Caribou School Department teaching staffing starting at the beginning of the 1968-69 school year.

25 Years Ago – June 2, 1993

Pepper spray Police work in Caribou is about to enter the era of the cayenne pepper spray canister. Police Chief Arthur N. Gorney briefed the city council’s Protection Highway Committee Friday afternoon on the departments changeover from chemical mace or tear gas canisters, to pepper canisters. Other business included a plan to build a police cruiser garage behind the station at an estimated cost of $25,000.

Honor parts Patrick Bennett was named the valedictorian of the Caribou High School CLass of 1993, announced by James Ugone. He is the son of Philip R. and Elizabeth Bennett of Caribou. Ugone also announced the salutatorian, Jonathan Meir, and honor parts Jennifer Plourde, Amy Dionne, Jennifer Rockwell, Lorin Martin, Matthew McCormack, Shannon Francisco, Terri Habbeb and Allison Plourde.