Presque Isle police arrest methamphetamine supplier

7 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Presque Isle police arrested Derrick Page, 27, on Tuesday, allegedly for supplying methamphetamine to a minor, who overdosed on the drug two days earlier.

The police department received a 911 call at about 4:15 p.m. Sunday, May 27, from a home on State Street, where Page resides, informing them of a possible drug overdose. Officers and paramedics arrived at the home shortly afterward and transferred the overdose victim, a juvenile, to The Aroostook Medical Center. The victim, who was not identified, was treated and later released.

Investigators traced the drugs back to Page and obtained a search warrant and arrest warrant for the home on May 29, according to a press release issued Thursday morning by Presque Isle Police Chief Matt Irwin. Police reported finding and seizing methamphetamine and several weapons such as a rifle, crossbow and knife.

Irwin could not release information regarding the investigation or the specific circumstances surrounding the overdose because of the victim’s age.

Page was charged with aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, a Class A felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. He was released on a $3,000 bail.