Maine businesses rally to prevent #MeToo incidents

7 years ago

Betsy Peters found herself with more questions than answers in January when she was caught in the middle of one of Maine’s most high-profile sexual harassment incidents.

Her experience as a board member of Venture Hall, whose co-founder admitted to inappropriate behavior toward at least two female colleagues, prompted her to rally businesspeople to create a website containing information for businesses, individuals and investors on how to handle sexual harassment.

The MaineCanDo website, launched Thursday, includes guidance from lawyers and sexual assault groups in Maine to help define sexual harassment and how to respond to it. The website has sections for companies, individuals and investors. It also has recommendations for bystanders who see sexual harassment.

Seventy businesses, nonprofits, investors and board members signed MaineCanDo’s pledge to improve how sexual harassment is handled in the workplace. They include the heads of Tilson Technology, Maine Association of Nonprofits, Maine Angels, Bangor Savings Bank and the Bangor Daily News.

Peters, founder of 230Trees, an adviser to innovators, said MaineCanDo came out of a question of where to go for help and what to do.

The County is pleased to feature content from our sister company, Bangor Daily News. To read the rest of “Maine businesses rally to prevent #MeToo incidents,” an article by contributing Bangor Daily News staff writer Lori Valigra, please follow this link to the BDN online.