101 Years Ago – June 14, 1917
Horse sale — C. J. Hanson and C. L. DeWitt returned from New York, bringing with them the following horses from the New York sale: Gano Todd by Kentucky Todd, trial as 3-year-old 2.09; Chesterwood record 2.14 1-4 by Monchester; Chester Lou trial 2.15 by Monchester; and Walter Brook by Walter Hal 2.04 trial as 3-year-old 2.17 1-3.
Pickles and vinegar — Chas. P. Daily, salesman for Lutz and Schramm Co., Pittsburgh, Penn., was in town unloading the largest car of bulk pickles and vinegar ever received in Presque Isle. This car contained 62,984 pounds and made the third car shipped into town within a year’s time.
75 Years Ago – June 17, 1943
Speaking contest — The annual junior speaking contest was held at the Presque Isle High School auditorium with the following participants: Mary Mills, Jean Miller, Arlene King, Rita Morrow, Gerald Duncan, Carolyn Carr, Elizabeth Kimball, Barbara Wright and Elizabeth Turner. Miss Marion Conant was judge. First honor was given to Carolyn Carr; second, to Mary Mills. As a variation, poems were given in place of the usual declamations. Preludes to the poems were written by each speaker.
Promoted — Corporal Durleight C. Mosher, son of Mrs. Kate E. Mosher, Easton, was promoted to the rank of sergeant with the AAF at Pecos Army Air Field, Pecos, Texas. Sergeant Mosher was formerly associated with Mosher’s Garage of Ashland.
50 Years Ago – June 12, 1968
Europe-bound — Two Presque Isle women, Mrs. Kathleen N. Brewer and Miss Ernestine E. McKay, summer session students at the University of Maine, planned studying in Europe. The two were among 26 leaving from Orono via Montreal and the ocean liner, the Empress of Canada. Dr. Carl H. Porter-Shirley, associate professor of education, was the director of the tour, a six-credit-hour course which took the participants to Scotland, England, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Norway. The study tour emphasized places and institutions in Europe which have made major contributions to America’s cultural heritage.
Lions governor — Larry Goldsmith, a Presque Isle retail businessman, was elected governor of Lions International District 41-0 at the convention in Rockland. He was unopposed in his bid for the post. Goldsmith, past president of the Presque Isle Lions Club and for 25 years, a member of the club, was deputy district governor at the time of his election.
25 Years Ago – June 16, 1993
Paul Harris Fellow — The Presque Isle Rotary Club honored Ed Packard as Paul Harris Fellow. Packard, a longtime member of Rotary, served as president of the club in 1978 and 1979. Being named as Paul Harris Fellow is one of Rotary’s highest honors. It recognizes people whose lives demonstrate a shared purpose with the objectives of Rotary, “Service above Self.” The award is named for Paul Harris, who founded Rotary in 1905.
Sscholarships — The Aroostook Literacy Coalition awarded three $200 scholarships which were presented at adult education awards banquets and graduation ceremonies. The recipients of the 1993 scholarships were William Lint of SAD 32, Ashland, Tina Stoddard of Houlton, and Kelly Hudson of the Caribou school district. Each spring, the Aroostook Literacy Coalition accepted applications for these scholarships from GED or adult high school diploma graduates, residents of Aroostook County.