Wark rallies community spirit to restore gazebo

7 years ago

Over the past few weeks, downtown Mapleton has experienced a display of community pride and spirit initiated by Mapleton resident Lisa Wark. Wark rallied residents to improve the beauty of the downtown, first by decorating the graves in the Old Mill Cemetery on Main Street and secondly by revamping the gazebo.

Making over 100 flower arrangements, Wark and her granddaughter placed an arrangement on each and every grave in the cemetery.  Throughout each year, there are very few arrangements placed on these old graves. When placing the flowers, they recited the person’s name out loud to remember these people. The cemetery was in fine shape for Memorial Day.

Next, Wark decided the gazebo and bridge downtown looked shabby.  She enlisted a group of volunteers for painting and decorating and the group gave the gazebo and bridge new coats of paint that substantially brighten their looks.  Additionally, they hung an American flag on the gazebo and other red, white and blue decorations were placed on the gazebo and bridge. Finally, they added lights so the gazebo could shine in the evening.  

Helping Wark with the gazebo cleanup were her husband, Richard Wark, and Bailey Hewitt, both of whom worked on the painting and decorating the bridge across Libby Brook in the park.  Richie Chouteau helped Wark paint and decorate the gazebo. Also helping with the gazebo fixup were Brenna Morneau, Sidney Smith, Amanda Robinson and her two daughters, Jolea and Shelby Robinson, and Melissa Corbin.

Wark said she has plans for other improvements, and she hopes other residents and groups will work on projects that will benefit the town.

Summer recreation

The Mapleton Recreation Program’s summer enrollment will end this Friday, June 15.  For parents, children and youth interested in enrolling for swim lessons, tennis fundamentals, daytime baseball fundamentals, competitive swim team, arts and crafts, dance, basketball and T-ball/coach pitch baseball, contact the town office by this coming Friday, June 15.  

There are numerous sessions within each program.  Swim lessons, tennis fundamentals, daytime baseball fundamentals, arts and crafts, dance and basketball will be available for ages 3-16.  T-ball/coach pitch baseball will have sessions for ages 3-7, while competitive swim will be available for children and youth ages 5-18.

For more information regarding the schedule, contact the Mapleton Town Office or go online to see the recreation summer brochure at the Town’s website at: http://www.mapleton.me/images/Recreation/2018SummerBrochure.pdf.

Lions scholarships

Eight years ago, the Mapleton Lions Club began using a portion of the funds they raise to award two scholarships each year to graduating seniors.  The club has announced the 2018 scholarship awards go to Ellie Goheen and Griffin Guerrette. The club congratulates them as they prepare for their post-secondary education.

Mapleton Daze

Mapleton Daze will begin Wednesday, June 27.  Here are some of the planned events.

The Mapleton Lions Club, host sponsors, will have two fundraising dinners.  The annual Mapleton Lions Club Chicken Bar-B-Q will be held on Friday, June 29, at 5 p.m. and continuing until all dinners have been sold.  The Mapleton United Methodist Women will pitch in with their selection of 20 or more kinds of homemade pies from which to choose, and the Mapleton Baptist Church will have a variety of homemade ice creams to accompany the pie.  

The Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill churches invite all to the Mapleton Post Office parking lot for free breakfast sandwich refreshments on Mapleton Daze Saturday at 7 a.m. They will have free drawings and fun stuff for the kids.  They request donations of non-perishable food items for the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Food Cupboard located at the town office. The breakfast is free; no donations accepted or allowed.

Starting at 10 a.m., the Mapleton Historical Society will hold its annual homemade pie and ice cream at the Haystack Historical Museum.

The Mapleton Daze Splash and Dash will be held on Saturday, June 20.  This is open to all children who will be between 8 and 12 by Dec. 31. Registration will take place from 1 to 1:30 p.m. at Mapleton Elementary.  Registered 8- to 9-year-old children will swim one lap in the pool and run a half-mile. 10- to 12-year-old youngsters will swim two laps and run one mile.

All participants will receive an event T-shirt and a medal. The cost is $10/person on the day of the event with a family discount option. Limited scholarships may be available for those who request one and register online atmsad1.coursestorm.com by June 25.  Splash and Dash is sponsored by TAMC and the Mapleton Recreation Department.

The Lions will host their fundraising baked ham and bean dinner; all are welcome.

If your organization is planning a special event during Mapleton Daze, send information to the email address listed below.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at starherald.Tsandusky@gmail.com.