Limestone prepares for Fourth festivities

7 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — The Limestone Chamber of Commerce will celebrate the Fourth of July with a parade at 2 p.m. along the town’s Main Street.

The theme for this year is, “Limestone Pride – Flying High.” Among the many standard events, this year will bring Maine’s 35th District Democratic State Senator Troy Jackson as the grand marshall, followed by the Loring Job Corps Color Guard, and a new Limestone Strong Man Show organized by Maine’s Strongest Man, Andrew Sullivan.

This year’s events will start with a tour of the Fire Station on Thursday, June 28, and end with fireworks at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4.

On Saturday, June 30, things will get underway at Albert Michaud Park with an Antique Tractor Pull at 11 a.m., a Teddy Bear Picnic and activities with Healthy You and the Red Cross. Lunch will be available for purchase, and then at 1pm the fire department will soak participants with the famous Hurricane Limestone.   

Tuesday, July 3, will feature a main event at Trafton Lake from 4 p.m. to midnight, featuring games, food, flag football, music by Wally and the Virginian and more.  

Activities on July 4 will include food and music and the annual parade. After the parade, focus will shift to Albert Michaud Park for a watermelon eating contest, bouncy house, games and the Limestone Strong Man Show from 4-7 p.m. at the Albert Michaud tennis courts.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the various parts of a strongman competition, such as the Farmers Walk, The Log Lift, Strongman Yoke and Atlas Stones, which can be traced back over 2,000 years to the Scottish and Icelandic peoples. 

Chamber officials said, as an organized sport, strongman has been around since 1977. The first World’s Strongest Man was held at Universal Studios in California and boasted of such famous strength athletes as Mr. Universe Franco Columbo and “The Incredible Hulk”, Lou Ferrigno. For information, contact Rick Bossie at 632-5607.

Event calendars are available with more detailed information a complete activity list. For more information check out the Limestone chamber’s Facebook page, call Michelle at 949-3633, or email