TOPS (week of June 13, 2018)

7 years ago

Houlton TOPS met at the Aldergate building on Kelleran Street on Friday, June 1.

There were nine TOPS and four KOPS members present. The loser of the week was Mildred Gagnon and runner-up was Brenda Lacostic. Great job, ladies. The skinny dish was won by Marsha Reed and the 50/50 was won by Barbara Grant. The health basket was won by Brenda Lacostic.

Pam Richardson gave the program on ways to build a strong team. We are very glad to have a group that is so supportive of each other. Thank you, one and all.

Janice Coty, our area captain, will be here June 22 for the annual visit. Looking forward to that.

We welcome anyone who wants to make changes in their lifestyle or just wants to look better. For more information, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.