Caribou, Limestone area residents approve school budget, elect local officials

7 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — Residents of RSU 39 member towns readily approved a nearly $19 million school budget on June 12. Limestone and Stockholm residents also voted in local officials. 

The people of Caribou overwhelmingly voted in favor of RSU 39’s district budget by a vote of 717 to 299. Limestone voters also favored the proposed spending plan 217-106. Stockholm residents also passed the budget 67 in favor and 15 opposed.

During Tuesday’s elections, Limestone residents also elected Paul Durepo and Walter Elliott to three year terms on the Select Board with a respective 168 and 150 votes, replacing Melissa Devoe and Greg Ward.

In addition, 119 residents voted for Julie Weston, 75 cast votes for Jesse Philbrick, and another 15 wrote in a candidate of their choice.

While nobody from Limestone ran for an open position on the RSU 39 School Board, 97 residents wrote-in incumbent Michelle Albert.

Charles Kelley ran unopposed for the Limestone Water and Sewer District board, and won with 319 votes.

In Stockholm, voters elected David Duquette to a three year term on the Select Board with 62 votes. Seventeen residents wrote in David Sterris for the position. Sam Sjostedt and Larry Bittle each received one vote.