Kenney steps down from RSU 29 board to coach soccer

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The RSU 29 school board is short one member following the resignation of Houlton representative Karter Kenney. 

The school board accepted Kenney’s resignation during a June 11 board meeting. He has served on the board since 2015, when he was successfully elected to a one-year term as a write-in candidate. He then was re-elected to a three-year term in 2016.

Kenney stated his decision to step down from the board was not an easy one. However, he was hired as coach of  the middle school girls soccer team and was no longer able to serve on the board.

“It was a very difficult decision,” he said. “After realizing that the previous coach had moved up to coach the varsity boys I decided to step up and continue with the girls. Most of these girls I have been helping coach since third grade with [recreation] travel soccer.”

He also reflected on his time with the board.

“I have great admiration and respect for the board and the superintendent,” Kenney added. “I feel that they are taking RSU 29 on the right path for the future. I was glad to be a part of It for the last three years and learned how much goes on behind the scenes to keep this district not only functioning, but thriving. I would love the opportunity to return again someday.”

Kenney’s term does not expire until fall of 2019. The Houlton Town Council will now be tasked with finding a temporary replacement until the position can be filled in the November election.