Houlton area From Our Files (week of June 20, 2018)

7 years ago

100 Years Ago – June 19, 1918

    Ability appreciated A most pleasing occasion took place at the Red Cross headquarters when Cora M. Putnam, the efficient secretary of Southern Aroostook Chapter, was presented with a beautiful wristwatch as a birthday gift. Mrs. Putnam has been most untiring in her efforts in behalf of the Red Cross and is a most capable and efficient worker. While her untiring efforts have always been appreciated by every member of the local chapter, this occasion shows in a small way how much her work at the Southern Aroostook Red Cross Chapter is appreciated.

    New exit H. M. Cates & Sons have removed a part of the north wall of their garage on Mechanic Street so that cars entering by the south door can leave by the north.

75 Years Ago – June 24, 1943

    Scrap Matinee successful Six hundred children bought $52 worth of war savings stamps and brought over 50 pounds of scrap metal including copper, bronze, brass and iron to the Houlton Theater Tuesday morning at the Scrap Matinee. This movie, an hour and a half of cartoons, was sponsored by the Salvage Committee and the scrap will be taken care of by them. This certainly shows that the children are behind the war effort. Members of the committee congratulate the youngsters on their grand showing and hope that they will continue their stamp buying program through the summer months and keep up the record they have made during the school year.

    Pay raise To correct substandards of living of employees engaged in the packing or processing of seasonal and perishable food and food products, and to aid in the effective prosecution of the war, the New England War Labor Board, at Boston, today approved wage adjustments requested by Snider Packing Corp. of Rochester, N.Y., for more than 500 employees in the company’s plant at Houlton.

50 Years Ago – June 19, 1968

    New manager Bob Smith, president of the Pine Tree Radio Network and Dan Hollingdale general manager of radio stations WQDY in Calais, WHOU in Houlton and WMKR in Millinocket have made a joint announcement naming Frank Beaulieu of Houlton manager of the local radio station. Beaulieu is a resident of Houlton and is married to the former Bonnie Marshall of Hodgdon. He worked in sales for WHOU for two years and was made commercial manager in November, 1967 following the purchase of the local station by Mr. Smith.

    Receives Ph. D. Rodney Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Anderson, received his Ph. D. degree in Latin American Area Studies at American University in Washington, D. C., Anderson was graduated from Houlton High School in 1956, attended Ricker College for one year and was graduated in 1960 from Boston University. He received his master’s degree from American University in 1963. He is married to the former Lois Adams of Sharon, Pa., and they have one son. They make their home in Tallahassee, Fl., where he is assistant professor in the history department of Florida State University.

25 Years Ago – June 23, 1993

   New hearing aid Glade Shaw, a resident of Crestview Manor, thanked Edwin Cleary, president of the Houlton Lions Club for the hearing aid the club acquired for her. The local club sought and received a grant from Maine Lions Sight and Hearing Association to assist Shaw so she could join in activities at the manor she previously had been unable to see and enjoy.

   Helping hand — Dave Hutchinson, meat manager at the Houlton Shop ‘n Save gives a $500 check to Jan Root, an advocate for the Battered Women’s Project in Houlton. The money came from an employee yard sale and bake sale held on June 13.